Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oblivion - Main Quest 2 - Deliver the Amulet

After exiting the sewers, your first task is to deliver the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre, the Grandmaster of the Blades. He resides at Weynon Priory, immediately south of Chorrol. Of course, you can postpone this task indefinitely and complete it at your leisure. However, Oblivion gates will not open until you complete Find the Heir (except the initial one at Kvatch, which will be active immediately after the beginning of the game), and you will get a free horse when you deliver the Amulet.
If you decide to depart for Weynon Priory, you can either fast travel there by clicking on Weynon Priory on your world map, or by heading towards the quest marker on foot.
After you arrive, your journal updates with a message, which says that your next task is to find Jauffre inside. Talk to any of the monks here, and they will inform you that Jauffre is inside at his desk on the second floor, to the right. Speak to Jauffre and hand over the amulet to complete the quest.
After talking to Jauffre about "Assistance", you will be able to acquire numerous items to aid you:
  • Jauffre will unlock his supply chest, which holds a variety of light and heavy armor, weapons, potions, and scrolls, allowing you to take anything you wish. This chest will not reset with new contents, so you can safely store items there.
  • Talk to Prior Maborel and he will offer you his horse. You'll be able to find it in the stables outside, but make sure you pick the right horse as taking any of the others will count as a crime (the right one should be easy enough to find, however, as it is distinctly labeled "Prior Maborel's Paint Horse"). If you refuse his offer now you will still be able to receive the horse further ahead in the questline.
  • Talk to Brother Piner to receive The Warp in the West, a Block skill book.
  • Talk to Eronor to receive a repair hammer.

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