Monday, July 30, 2012

Oblivion - Main Quest 6 - The Path of Dawn

During this quest, Baurus becomes non-essential, so before going on this quest, it is recommended to obtain some Convalescence spells to assist in keeping him alive.

Talk to Jauffre after escorting him and Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple. Now that Martin is safe and secure, the next obvious step is to retrieve the Amulet of Kings so that Martin can light the Dragonfires. Anticipating this course of action,Baurus, the only Blade present at the Emperor's assassination to survive, has been gathering intelligence in the Imperial City. The two of you are to work in conjunction to retrieve the Amulet. You can find Baurus at Luther Broad's Boarding House in the Elven Gardens District.
Inside, you'll find Baurus sitting down and drinking. There may be a different assortment of people in the bar, depending on when you arrive, but one customer, Astav Wirich, is always present. Have a seat next to Baurus and chat with him. In the course of his intelligence-gathering, he has attracted unwanted attention and is being stalked. Suspicious of Astav, Baurus formulates a sting operation: He will leave to the secluded basement in the hope the man will follow. Sure enough, as Baurus leaves Astav follows. Head downstairs and intercept him.
When Astav discovers that he has an opportunity to strike Baurus down without Imperial interference, he'll summon his Mythic Dawn gear and try to assassinate him. Although the fight is pretty one sided in Baurus' favor, Baurus won't mind if you fight Astav from the rear. After Astav is dead, Baurus will instruct you to check his body for anything useful. You'll find a strange book entitled Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1. Show it to Baurus, and he will suggest that you talk to Tar-Meena, an expert of Daedric Cults, in the Arcane University, who may be able to tell you more about the book.
Travel to the Arcane University, located in the southeastern corner of the Imperial City. If you have completed Join the Mages Guild, Tar-Meena will be wandering around the Mystic Archives. If not she will be found reading in the Arch-Mage's Lobby. Talk to her about the Mythic Dawn, and find out more about this cult and its patriarch, Mankar Camoran. She says that you will need the complete set of the Mythic Dawn Commentaries, also known asCommentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, to find their headquarters. She offers you the second book, which leaves you to find Books Three and Four.
Tar-Meena suggests that you visit the First Edition bookstore and speak with Phintias, the proprietor, who may have some information about the last two volumes. His bookstore is in the Market District on the northeast side of the Imperial City, near the center of the district. Upon arriving, ask Phintias about the Mysterium Xarxes. He'll say that while Books One and Two are rare, Books Three and Four are next to impossible to find. He does happen to have a copy of the third, but it has already been paid for by another customer, Gwinas. As for Book Four, he states that he has never even seen a copy of it and has absolutely no idea on where you would find one.
To obtain the third book at this point, you have a few options:
  • As soon as Gwinas buys the book, talk to him and tell him that the Mythic Dawn were the ones who murdered the emperor. As soon as he realizes this, he will give you the book and a note about the meeting.
  • If you boost Phintias' disposition above 80, he will reluctantly sell the book to you for 100 gold. You will still need to confront Gwinas for the note.
  • Before Gwinas picks up the book, it can be found in a locked chest behind Phintias' counter. You can steal the book before Gwinas arrives and Phintias will not be able to give it to him. If you talk to Phintias, he will comment that the book has been stolen. Again, you will still need to get the note from Gwinas.
  • Gwinas can also be pickpocket or killed for the book and/or the note.
Volume Four can only be obtained from a member of the Mythic Dawn. Gwinas has set up a meeting, of which he'll tell you the time and place, with his sponsor, Raven Camoran. You must go in his place to receive the fourth and final volume.
As the quest log suggests, go see Baurus back at the Boarding House before heading out to the meeting and let him know what you've found so far. Accompany him through the rather long Elven Garden Sewers where you'll encounter a few mud crabs and leveled goblins. There is very little loot throughout the sewers, so a direct route to the meeting place is advised.
As you follow Baurus through the sewers, periodically heal him to keep him at full strength. Heal him again just before entering the final door to the meeting area. He'll let you know when that is. This will keep him alive through the sewers and, if necessary, throughout the fight. If you do not have a Convalescence spell, waiting will heal both of you at the same time. However, this will not work in the middle of a battle. The fight with the Mythic Dawn agents at the meeting area can be rather difficult, especially if you want to keep Baurus alive. Keeping Baurus alive is recommended because he can be a big help at lower levels, and also during the other battles in the Main Quest. Additionally, if you meet Baurus at the Cloud Ruler Temple after he and you travel through the sewers, he will thank you and give you a free skill increase in Blade, Block, and Heavy Armor. You may also wish to take the lead in order to protect Baurus on the way, since he is no longer essential. If you get too far ahead of him, he'll simply wait for you to come close enough to continue on. Once you reach the meeting area, Baurus suggests that you cover him, although, you can take the lead and have him cover you if you insist. In this path though, he will be discovered and attacked. Whatever happens, he says, you must try to get the book and recover the Amulet of Kings. At this point, it is a good idea to rest or apply a Convalescence Spell to Baurus if you have one. Saving your game is also an excellent idea.
There are many possible ways to continue from here, including the following:
  • If you take the stairs to the left of the door into the Sunken Sewers, you'll be on an overlooking walkway with a great vantage point, as Baurus mentioned. The Sponsor will enter and talk to Baurus as two more cultists enter from the top. Without stealth options, these cultists will likely discover you. Even if they don't see you, the first cultist will recognize Baurus and attack. You have a moment before the two cultists enter to attack the cultist below in your manner of choosing. This stratagem tilts the fight greatly in your and Baurus' favor. Alternatively, if you have reasonably goodSneak and Marksman skills you can shoot through the gates up above and eliminate both cultists before they even enter the room. You can then hop down and assist Baurus in finishing off Raven Camoran.
  • Ignore Baurus' suggestion of using the vantage point and follow him through the door instead. He will sit at the table, while you should hide in the shadows to the right. The inset wall to the left is also an excellent place to wait. When the first cultist comes in, he stands facing the table with his back to you. If you have enough skill in Sneak you canimmediately sneak up behind him and pick his pocket. If you take too long the other cultists will arrive. If you can pickpocket the book and sneak out of the room in Baurus' line of sight, he will shortly break off the meeting and follow you, and the two of you can leave in peace. He may leave even if you don't.
  • You may meet the Sponsor instead. Baurus will hide up on the overlook. Sit down in the chair, and the Sponsor will enter. If you get up or try to talk to him he will yell at you. When the other two agents enter the room, they will see Baurus and attack. If you are quick here, there is an opportunity to pickpocket the book before Baurus enters. This will allow you to leave without having to fight the Mythic Dawn Agents. The opportunity arises after the Sponsor has walked behind you and turns his back on you. You can also pickpocket the key to the Sunken Sewers.
  • Another option for keeping Baurus alive at higher levels is to tell Baurus that "I'm not ready to go yet" and then go through either door yourself. If you use a Detect Life spell, at least about 60 feet in range, you can see Raven Camoran through a metal gate on the lower level. He is usually around a corner, behind a wall. To attack him out of line-of-sight, use a ranged spell with an area-of-effect at the ground closest his feet. He and the other cultists will come out and attack you. You can safely take out all three while Baurus is still waiting outside. When you are finished and have the book, go back out and talk to Baurus, who will go ahead to Cloud Ruler Temple, allowing the quest will proceed. If you proceed to do it this way Baurus will remain essential.
  • Another option is to go onto the overlooking bridge and make sure Raven sees you while he is still behind the door. This will make him turn hostile but he will not open the gate so you can take him down with a bow or Destruction spell. The other two attackers will come in but will not be very hard to take out. One will carry a key, allowing you to get the book from behind the gate.
Loot Book Four from the Sponsor along with a level-dependent ring, a Sunken Sewers Key, a potion, and a scroll. Be sure to thoroughly explore the Mythic Dawn room as well, where there are three crates and three chests, including one boss-level chest that may contain additional enchanted items as well as additional copies of Mythic Dawn Commentaries Books One to Three.
Once you have the book, you will part ways with Baurus, who states that he'll go to Cloud Ruler Temple to help protect Martin. It is possible for Baurus to die while making his way back to the temple. Exit the sewers either the way you came or through the new area unlocked by the Sunken Sewers Key you retrieved from the cultists. You can also return to outside the cult room, take an immediate left into the next room and then exit up a ladder into Fathis Ules' basement.
The four books each contain a clue as to the location of the cult. You should be able to figure it out by reading the texts but if you need help, go to Tar-Meena at the Arcane University. She'll think about the puzzle and asks you to get back to her tomorrow afternoon to see if she's made progress. If you wait a day and then ask her about the Mythic Dawn, she will tell you that she is sure that the key to the mystery lies in the first word—or even first letter—of each paragraph in the Commentaries....
Look at the large red letters that begin the paragraphs in the book. Put them all together to read: GREEN EMPEROR WAY WHERE TOWER TOUCHES MIDDAY SUN.
Green Emperor Way is the central district of the Imperial City, where the Imperial Palace is located. If you are going strictly by the clue from the books, you should wait until nearly midday. Look for the shadow of the White Gold Tower, and walk to the end of the shadow. If you look up, the tip of the tower should be touching the middle of the sun. You should be standing right in front of the Tomb of Prince Camarril, where a set of red runes are glowing to reveal the location of the Mythic Dawn shrine. Click to activate the tomb and advance the quest.
If you're following the quest marker, there's no need to pay attention to the sun's shadow: you can follow the quest marker straight to the Tomb of Prince Camarril, located just south of the gate leading to the Talos Plaza District. You don't even need to talk to Tar-Meena. At any time after obtaining the fourth volume you can go to Green Emperor Way to advance the quest. The runes on the tomb will only glow from 11:48 AM to 12:30 PM. You need to be standing on the south side of the tomb with the palace positioned behind the tomb to see the runes. The runes on the tomb actually glow every day from the very beginning of the game, but it is only possible to activate the tomb during this quest.

Skyrim - Main Quest 6 - The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

 After completing The Way of the Voice, Arngeir will assign you one last task to prove you are Dragonborn: retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, so named after one of the heroes of old. The Horn is located in the ruin of Ustengrav, which Arngeir marks on your map.
The simplest way to reach Ustengrav is to take a carriage to the town of Morthal, then travel the marshes on foot. The ruins are due northeast of the town. If you wish to walk, the fastest route from the Throat of the World is to pass through the fields around Whiterun and follow the route northwest directly through Labyrinthian. However, this route will require the player to deal with the frost trolls that roam the exterior of Labyrinthian. When you arrive at the Ustengrav ruins, you'll encounter some bandits engaged in combat with mages. Since both groups are hostile, you'll likely have to deal with the survivors unless you can sneak past them.
The first level of the ruin is fairly straightforward, with a few mages and draugr to deal with. Sneaking and following the mages deeper into the ruin allows the draugr to pick them off, as well as vice versa, resulting in fewer enemies to contend with. Deal with any remaining draugr (most will be dead on arrival) and descend into the second zone of the ruin.
Upon entering Ustengrav Depths, you will see a sparsely forested chasm with a waterfall and a bridge far below. To descend, navigate the winding path through the rest of the ruin. You will encounter several draugr and a fire trap along the way. The outdoor area itself hosts several skeleton patrols, both on the ground by the bridge and in the somewhat higher level with the wooden barricade. These can be easily destroyed with ranged attacks. In the room with the tall pillars, a skeleton seated on a throne will come to life at your approach. If you jump to the rocks on the left at the top of the ramp leading down into the room, then jump and use Whirlwind Sprint between the circular platforms on the pillars, you will reach a secret room with a soul gem and a chest.
Near the bottom of the waterfall is a Word Wall with a word for the Become Ethereal shout. It can be seen from the bridge, and is reachable by a small path carved from the side of the cave wall. Behind the waterfall is a hidden area containing a draugr and small amounts of loot. The Horn, however, lies on the other side of the bridge. After gaining the word, return up the path and cross the bridge.
Across the bridge, you may encounter a lone skeleton who is easily dispatched. The main attractions here are the three outcrops of rock carved with runes and the gated tunnel you must traverse to continue. Each of the rocks glows red at your approach and lifts one of the gates barring passage through the tunnel. If you have unlocked both words ofWhirlwind Sprint, using it to sprint through the stones opens the gates long enough to walk through them all. Once you are clear, the gates will remain fully open, allowing any followers to catch up. With only one word of the shout learned, getting all three gates to stay open long enough is trickier. Some suggestions are to start at the rock closest to the bridge, sprint by each of them until you get close to the tunnel entrance, and from there use Whirlwind Sprint to clear all the gates at once. Or, you may find it easier to stand in front of the first rock, use Whirlwind Sprint, and then run through the rest of the tunnel. Yet another way is to stand between the first two rocks to open the first two gates, use Whirlwind Sprint and then run; the third gate should stay open by then. It is also possible to use this shout twice in rapid succession to pass the gates. If you become trapped between gates inside the tunnel, you will find pull chains that will allow you to return to the rocks and try again.
The floors of the next few chambers are covered with fire traps. There are two frostbite spiders on the cobwebbed arch. It's possible to avoid the traps by staying close to the walls, and you can even use them to help kill the spiders if you lure them into the fire-trapped area. The traps have a slightly delayed reaction to your passing over them, so if you're on your own, you can get away with just sprinting forward and you won't be badly burned. There are a few rocky ledges and, in the next room, a raised dais—these don't have firetraps on them, so you can safely stand on them. This room contains a more powerful giant spider hiding in the ceiling which may spawn several young. The giant spider will attempt to ambush you when you get close. Usingresist poison and resist frost potions may help you survive this encounter.
If you have a follower, dealing with the fire traps can become complicated. Even if you are standing in safety, followers may come to a halt on the fire trap and stand there until they burn to death. Because they exert a continuous-damage effect, these traps will actually permanently kill your followers if you aren't careful. If you've told your follower to wait in a safe place, and they run onto the traps to engage an enemy, they will get stuck there taking damage, unable to be told to follow you again. If this doesn't kill them, they will remain behind when you leave. However, after three days, the follower will become tired of waiting and return to their usual hangout.
After dispatching the spiders, cut or burn through the two sets of cobwebs covering the tunnel. If you are collecting alchemical ingredients, you will find three spider eggs in the egg sacs in the spiders' nest. Otherwise, go right ahead and enter the final chamber.
As you make your way through the final room, four Nordic dragon carvings rise out of pools of water. These have no effect. On the pedestal where you would expect to find the Horn, you will instead find a mysterious note addressed to "the Dragonborn". It states that the Horn has been removed, and requests that you meet the note's anonymous author by renting an attic room at the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood.
Having failed the task, do as the note says and go to Riverwood. When you speak to Delphine about renting the appropriate room, she will tell you that there is no attic room, but that you can take the one on the left. Delphine follows you, reveals that she was the one who took the Horn, and gives the Horn to you. She asks to speak privately, and you must follow her to the room you rented. Delphine opens the wardrobe door, revealing a secret room beneath the inn. In this room, she tells you that her organization has been looking for someone like you, and that she took the Horn in order to get your attention. This exchange with her begins the quest A Blade in the Dark, and is detailed further on that page. After discoursing with her, you are free to return the Horn to High Hrothgar and complete the quest.
Return to High Hrothgar with the Horn and present it to Arngeir, completing the task he originally gave you. (Additionally, you can return to Ustengrav and receive another reward; see Notes.) Arngeir will go to the main hall, where the other Greybeards are assembled, and Wulfgar will teach you the final word of the Unrelenting Force shout. You will then be frozen where you stand to learn the word, and all the Greybeards will speak to you at once in the dragon language, formally recognizing you as Dragonborn. (You are not harmed by this exchange.) This completes the quest, and from now on High Hrothgar is open to you.

Skyrim - Main Quest 5 - The Way of the Voice

After you're finished in Whiterun, you'll want to head to Ivarstead, as it is located at the foot of the 7,000 Steps leading up to High Hrothgar. You'll have to walk to Ivarstead, so buying a horse may make the journey faster. Once you get there and close to the bridge, you'll hear a conversation. Talk to one of the men, Klimmek, and learn about what dangers are lurking ahead. You can take an optional quest from him to deliver supplies to the Greybeards.
When you start on the trail up, you'll run across various leveled wildlife and monsters, and a couple of pilgrims. You will also find various stones giving you information on the history of the dragons and the Way of the Voice. At a point where the steps are sandwiched between two cliffs, there is a strong frost troll that will jump from the top of one cliff if it sees you. For low-level characters, it is suggested that you scale around the cliff to avoid it, or use ranged or magic attacks and stay out of reach while fighting it. Trolls are vulnerable to fire, so any fire magic available can help you defeat it. Alternatively, you could lure it back to Ivarstead and let the guards deal with it, but that might result in the unfortunate deaths of a few citizens. Fortunately, Ivarstead has very few quests attached to it.

After finally arriving at High Hrothgar, you'll be greeted by Master Arngeir, who speaks to you on behalf of the otherGreybeards (whose voices are too powerful for conversation). After proving you are the Dragonborn by using theUnrelenting Force shout, they welcome you to their monastery and instruct you on how to use the dragon shouts, or Thu'um.
To further your training in the ways of the Thu'um, you will be taught the second word to the Unrelenting Force shout, Ro, and asked to practice it three times on ethereal targets that the Greybeards summon. Arngeir comments on how quickly you learn, then takes you outside for the next lesson. They teach you another word, Wuld, for Whirlwind Sprint. You'll be asked to practice it by using the shout to get through the gate Master Borri opens before it closes. When you're finished, Arngeir will send you on the last test: retrieving the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.

Oblivion - Main Quest 5 - Weynon Priory

After closing the Oblivion Gate in Kvatch, you are to take Martin to Weynon Priory. If you haven't brought Martin with you, Jauffre will ride to wherever Martin is located after finding out the Amulet is missing. Upon arrival, Eronor will run to greet you with some bad news: Mythic Dawn agents are attacking the priory. If you attack the Agents before Eronor has a chance to speak to you, it will count as an assault - this is difficult to do, however, since Eronor is already outside, waiting for you to arrive and is scripted to come to you even if you are invisible. In the name of the late Prior Maborel, you must kill these assassins with the help of Brother Piner. After they're dead, you'll find that Jauffre has his hands full killing more agents in the chapel. Head over there and help him finish them off.
After you help Jauffre kill off the assassins, he will want to check on the Amulet of Kings. As he suspected, the amulet has been taken and will need to be recovered. Jauffre suggests taking Martin to Cloud Ruler Temple, a safe haven for the Blades located to the northwest of Bruma. When you arrive, follow Martin as he is welcomed and hailed by the Blades as Emperor Martin Septim, Dragon Born. After Martin gives a speech to the soldiers, he speaks with you about the importance of recovering the Amulet of Kings.
Jauffre will offer you membership into the Blades. If you accept you will be given an Akaviri Katana and you will have access to all the beds, books, armor, and weapons inside the temple. After you make a decision about membership, Jauffre will give you your next quest. It is not necessary to join the Blades in order to continue with the main quest, nor is this your only chance. If you later change your mind, you can just talk to Jauffre again and choose the topic "Join the Blades" — as long as Jauffre is still alive (he can die during The Defense of Bruma or Light the Dragonfires, at which point it becomes impossible to join the Blades) and his dispositiontowards you is 40 or higher. Cloud Ruler Temple is not the only place made available if you join the Blades. As a chapter-house of the Order of Talos, you will be granted free access to Weynon Priory if you join.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Skyrim - Main Quest 4 - Dragon Rising

Shortly after you return the Dragonstone to Farengar, a scout will approach to inform him that there has been a sighting of a dragon at the Western Watchtower outside of Whiterun. The scout asks you to meet Jarl Balgruuf in the strategy room. Follow her and Farengar up the stairs beside and behind the Jarl's seat. He will tell you to accompany his housecarl, Irileth, as she heads for the western gate. She will recruit several Whiterun Guards along the way.

Follow Irileth to an area outside the west gate or meet her there. After she delivers a speech to rally her soldiers, follow them west towards the tower.
You will gather near the road close to the watchtower to find the watchtower burned and smoking, evidently signs of a recent attack by a dragon. After a short talk, Irileth will give orders to search for survivors. On the north side of the tower, on or around the ramp leading to the interior, you will encounter a single rattled surviving Whiterun Guard, stammering about what he has just been through. Shortly after hearing this, you will hear several warnings that the dragon has returned. Irileth will advise taking cover against the dragon's attacks and to "make every arrow count".
The dragon, named Mirmulnir, will approach from behind the mountains and follow a dragon's standard pattern of attack. Dragon combat strategiesshould be employed against him. He will land, fight, and then fly off after losing about a quarter of his health. Once he is wounded to a further degree, he will remain on the ground. This particular dragon is resistant to fire at lower levels, so arrows, frost or shock attacks, and melee weapons may be your best offensive choices.
When in the air, the dragon will use magical attacks against you or other enemies. These will be fire attacks if you are at a lower level, but may vary if you are above level 20 or so. If his attention is focused elsewhere, it is a good opportunity to attack with a ranged weapon or spell. If he is aiming at you while in the air, seeking cover, such as within the tower's interior, can be a life-preserving tactic.
When on the ground, Mirmulnir has two modes of attack: magical and physical. When on the ground and facing you from a moderate distance, he will use his breath attack as long as you are in his line of sight. When up close, he will attack with his claws, which can easily be fatal if you do not keep your health high. If approached from behind, he will beat his tail on the ground; if this hits you, it can do some serious health damage.
The best plan of attack when the dragon is on the ground is to approach from the side while he is occupied with the Whiterun Guards. Attack relentlessly until he flies off again or dies. Pay attention to the guards because once they're dead, the dragon will likely focus more of his attacks on you, although Irileth cannot die at this point because she is an essential character.
Once killed, Mirmulnir will disintegrate and release his soul in a blast of energy. You will automatically absorb the soul, allowing you to use the Dragon Shout Unrelenting Force, the first word of which you learned during the Bleak Falls Barrow quest. After using the Shout, a nearby guard will approach in awe and exclaim that you are Dragonborn. Some of the surviving guards are hesitant to believe this and argue with him. Irileth haughtily discards it as a myth and walks off to investigate the skeleton carcass, ordering you to report back to the Jarl.
Searching the dragon's body will provide you with Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales. These can be used to forge and improve dragonbone and dragonscale armor once you have the appropriate smithing perk. They make for an excellent source of income at early and middle stages of your life in Skyrim, as you will have opportunities to acquire many more before you can use them in such ways.
A search of the area in and around the tower should reveal one or more guards killed by the dragon. As they will no longer be needing their possessions, you may wish to collect them.
As you make your way back to Whiterun, you should hear a thundering voice boom out "DOVAHKIIN", shaking the very ground. Return to Dragonsreach and report to Jarl Balgruuf.
He will ask you to recount events at the watchtower. After he learns of you being Dragonborn, he informs you that the Greybeards are summoning you toHigh Hrothgar and that they can teach you to use your gift. The Jarl advises you to travel to the Greybeards immediately, as the summoning is a great honor. Despite this sense of urgency, however, the Greybeards will be waiting for you whether you embark on your voyage to visit them now or any time later.
For your assistance in slaying the dragon, the Jarl will appoint you Thane of Whiterun, which entitles you to a personal Housecarl, Lydia, who will live inBreezehome; a relatively forgiving and respectful attitude from city guards and others; and other benefits. Balgruuf will also reward you with the Axe of Whiterun as your symbol of office. The axe is a leveled weapon that carries a random enchantment effect.
Lydia will greet you if you head toward the front door of Dragonsreach, at which point you can make her a follower by telling her that you need her help.

Oblivion - Main Quest 4 - Breaking the Siege of Kvatch

As noted in Find the HeirMartin will not escape with you unless everyone else in the Chapel of Akatosh can leave safely, but the guard will not let anyone out until Savlian Matius gives the order. Savlian is too busy killing the Daedra outside the Oblivion Gate to aid in your quest, so your only choice is to offer to help him close it. Tell him you want to help, get ready for battle, and activate the gate. You do not need to have delivered the amulet before doing this quest. However, other Oblivion Gates won't open until you do so.
After entering the gate, you will find yourself on an island in the DeadlandsMehrunes Dagon's Planes of Oblivion. Ahead of you can be seen two Daedra (the exact type depends on your level) running at you on a bridge over a lake of lava. Two towers and a larger tower between them can be seen in the distance. To the left, Ilend Vonius is fighting some of the monsters. At higher levels, there is a fair chance that the Daedra will kill Ilend if you are not fast enough to save him. If he survived, help him kill the Daedra. After they're dead, Ilend will tell you he was sent in with a few other soldiers to try and close the Oblivion Gate. One survivor from the assault was taken as a prisoner to the large tower.
At this point, you can ask Ilend for help or you can try to close the Oblivion Gate by yourself. He will attack with his sword and shield and heal himself relatively quickly. At your command, Ilend can follow you or wait behind, which is useful for tactical raids. However, make sure Ilend doesn't fall into the lava, especially if you knock a creature into it. If you want more companions, you can attack Savlian and his men, and they will follow you into Oblivion, fighting you and hostile creatures. If you yield, however, they will leave.
Your destination is the largest visible tower, which can be recognized by the yellow light visible at the top. The direct route - across the bridge immediately in front of the Oblivion Gate - is blocked by two large war gates. If you have high acrobatics you can simply jump around the gates. If not, you will instead have to head west and head up the western side of the island that makes up this world. Along the way, watch out for landslides (Ilend is particularly prone to getting swept away by the landslides into the lava) and the usual assortment of Daedra and Dremora.
Once you reach the Blood Feast, (the Sigil Keep), venture inside. Inside you will find a few Daedra - of course - so take them out. Your goal is to reach the top of the tower, taking out any enemies you find on the way. For the first section of climbing, enter the Rending Halls, which lead you to the first balcony inside the Blood Feast. From there you can enter the Corridors of Dark Salvation, but two of the doors out of this room are locked and require a key. So take the third door, which leads you outside and across a narrow bridge to one of the smaller towers, Reapers Sprawl.
At the top of Reapers Sprawl you will find Menien Goneld locked in a cage and guarded by a Dremora Sigil Keeper, who will initiate a conversation with you. He will say, "You should not be here, mortal. Your blood is forfeit, your flesh is mine!" At that point he will attack you. Kill the Sigil Keeper to get his key. Menien will provide you with a bit more information about where you are going, but will insist that you continue on and do not try to rescue him. However, this is a moot point, as you cannot rescue Menien.
Back in the main tower, you can now open the locked doors. If you're in a rush to get the job done, take the northern door from the Corridors of Dark Salvation, watch out for traps, and exit at the first door you come to. You'll find yourself on an even higher-level balcony in the Blood Feast. The Runed Portal on this balcony is a teleporter that takes you up to the top balcony.
From the top balcony you gain access to the final room, the Sigillum Sanguis, which is the room that contains the Sigil Stone. Climb up the stairs, killing any enemies you find, and at the very top you will see a glowing ball balancing on the red stream of lava you saw earlier. This is the sigil stonethat holds open the gate to Oblivion. Taking it will transport you to the outside of the Oblivion Gate you entered from, along with Ilend Vonius if he went with you, and will destroy the Oblivion Gate in the process.
The previous section described the most direct route through the Kvatch Oblivion World. However, exploring a bit more thoroughly can yield some additional treasure.
At the southwest corner of the island is a smaller tower called the Blood Well. At the top of that tower you will find the switch that opens the main war gate (and you will also find a blood fountain). Oddly enough, the switch does not open the war gate immediately adjacent to the Blood Well, but only the war gates back near the Oblivion Gate, for example if you need to resupply or if you need to take back some of the loot you have gathered so far.
At the north side of the island is the entrance to the Sump of Misery, which is a cave with a good amount of loot. The cave itself contains four fleshy pods. It also leads to the Desolate Well, which is the otherwise inaccessible tower at the north end of the island. The top of the Desolate Well will reward you with two of the Punished (loot containers), and a blood fountain.
Inside the main tower, the Corridors of Dark Salvation provide access to a couple more small bonus areas. The southern locked door leads to a small balcony containing two of the Punished. Following the passage from the northern locked door all the way to the end leads to another narrow bridge that crosses to the final tower, Meat Harbor. At the bottom of that tower you will find two more of the Punished. There are plenty of Oblivion plants found in this area. You can harvest at least 121 Bloodgrass, 35 Harrada, and 37 Spiddal Sticks.
Now that you're back at Kvatch, with a destroyed Oblivion Gate behind you, return to Savlian and report your success. He'll say that he knew you could do it, and suggest that now would be a good time to mount a counter-attack on the remaining Daedra. When you're ready, follow him and the other soldiers into the city and help him fight off the monsters near the chapel. If you told Ilend to leave, he will join his fellow guardsmen in the counterattack. Once the Daedra are all dead, he'll walk to the chapel to make sure the civilians inside are alright. At this point, you can either escort Martin toWeynon Priory or help Savlian reclaim Kvatch in an optional quest.

Skyrim - Main Quest 3 - Bleak Falls Barrow

During the final stages of the quest Before the Storm, you will be tasked with a trip from Riverwood to Whiterun to tell Jarl Balgruuf about what happened in Helgen. Make your way to the Dragonsreach palace, where you will be stopped by the housecarl Irileth, who will demand a good reason to interrupt the jarl. You can either tell her about the dragon or report that Riverwood calls for the Jarl's aid, both of which will grant you an immediate audience. Deliver the news to Balgruuf, who will order troops to be sent to Riverwood at once and then present you with a reward. He will then remember a job suitable for an adventurer such as yourself and lead you to the court wizard Farengar Secret-Fire, who has been researching dragons. Farengar wants you to fetch the unique Dragonstone from Bleak Falls Barrow, an ancient Nordic tomb near Riverwood. When you question him on what he knows about the quest, he will keep his information sources secret.
Note: If you already cleared Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieved the Dragonstone during the quest The Golden Claw, then Farengar will prompt you to hand it over immediately and complete the quest. See the notes section for what you may have missed.
As the concurrent quest The Golden Claw runs simultaneously with this quest, travel to Riverwood and enter Riverwood Trader. Talk to the proprietor, who will tell you that a precious item was stolen from the main trading room, which will trigger the quest. Locate the ancient barrow and fight the bandits protecting the entrance. Bleak Falls Temple starts with a giant chamber with dead skeevers scattered about and the voices of two bandit inhabitants audible from the back of the room, discussing something of great importance. If you have not yet triggered The Golden Claw, it will begin now, due to the subject of the conversation:
Bandit #1"So we're just supposed to sit here while Arvel runs off with that golden claw?"
Bandit #2"That dark elf wants to go on ahead, let him. Better than us risking our necks."
Bandit #1"What if Arvel doesn't come back? I want my share from that claw!"
Bandit #2"Just shut it and keep an eye out for trouble."
Either use ranged attacks on them from afar, battle them up-close and personally, or sneak around them and search the area for loot, including the contents of a locked chest. Proceed through the empty tunnels until you arrive in a puzzle room where another bandit is attempting to pull a handle. You can attack him yourself, or allow him to be killed by dartsthat he accidentally triggers. To avoid the same fate, look around the room and towards the upper level to see the correct combination for the movable pillars. Two symbols are up on the ledge above, while the middle one has fallen to the ground level next to the lever. They should be read from left to right, using the one on the ground as the middle symbol, in order to find the combination: Snake—Snake—Whale. Activate the movable pillars to position them. You can now pull the handle without being killed. The iron gate will swing open, allowing access to a room with a soul gem, a potion, a chest, and a copy of the Pickpocket skill book Thief. Locate the spiral staircase, head underground, and beware of a few skeevers lurking on the steps.
At the foot of the stairs, everything is covered in cobwebs, hinting at the next major room's inhabitant. As you move around, you will notice a voice calling out from somewhere: "Is... is someone coming? Is that you Harknir? Bjorn? Soling? I know I ran ahead with the claw, but I need help!" Follow the sound and you will end up in a large chamber guarded by a wounded frostbite spider. After the battle, examine the western tunnel where Arvel the Swift is hanging in the webs, completely unable to move and obviously being kept for a later meal. Talk to him and he will reveal that he knows how to use the golden claw and makes great promises to you if you free him from the web:
Arvel"You did it. You killed it. Now cut me down before anything else shows up."
Player"Where's the golden claw?"
Arvel"Yes, the claw. I know how it works. The claw, the markings, the door in the Hall of Stories. I know how they all fit together! Help me down, and I'll show you. You won't believe the power the Nords have hidden there."
Attack the webs surrounding Arvel and he will be free; unfortunately, he will also betray you and take off running deeper into Bleak Falls Barrow. You can either give chase or let him run, as he is too weak to survive the upcoming draugr-infested catacombs. Run past two rooms and gather a small amount of loot along the way, including a soul gem. When the dead start to rise, dispose of them and beware the pressure plate and the corresponding spike wall. Be on the lookout for Arvel the Swift, who will likely fall prey to either the spiked wall or the following leveled draugr enemy. When you find his body, loot the golden claw and, for a bit of help on how to solve upcoming puzzles in the barrow, his journal. When you claim the claw, you will receive a quest update for the corresponding quest, and will be told to discover the ‘secret of Bleak Falls Barrow’.
Proceed forward and kill the three draugr in the next room, then dodge the swinging blades in the eastern tunnel. In the catacombs ahead, use the oil slick on the floor to your advantage or kill the attacking draugr normally. Follow the path until you arrive in a large chamber with a waterfall and one more draugr enemy. Activate the chain, head downstream along the underground creek, and beware the long fall where the creek turns into a waterfall through a hole in the eastern wall. Take the narrow tunnel leading south. You will emerge on a bridge halfway down the waterfall for a fight against another draugr. Head all the way down to the bottom for some minor loot in a locked chest, then return to the bridge and head north. The final room is protected by a leveled draugr. Upon its defeat, head through the door to Bleak Falls Sanctum.
In the beginning, the Sanctum is rather quiet with a set of swinging blades as the only obstacle. The next room, however, sees two draugr enemies and another helpful oil slick, if needed. Climb the wooden structure and proceed over the bridge to open the iron door. You will now face a puzzle door with three rotating rings. Following Arvel’s advice from his journal, take a closer look at the golden claw in your inventory for the right combination. Rotate the rings to achieve the combination of Bear—Moth—Owl, then place the claw in the keyhole and watch as the door lowers.
It opens to a huge chamber, complete with waterfalls, birds, and a word wall. Before entering the area with the wall, investigate behind it for a hidden, locked chest. Take a look opposite the word wall for a suspicious-looking sarcophagus and a chest with a good number of valuable items. Approach the word wall to learn the secret of the barrow, a word for the Unrelenting Force shout. After learning the word, the sarcophagus will crash open and a boss-level draugr overlord will step out and attack. Fight him and then examine his corpse for the Dragonstone, the item requested by Farengar Secret-Fire. Before leaving, look to the south; behind the smaller waterfall is another chest. Finally, climb up the ladder and activate the handle, which will elevate the stone wall and bring you to an alternative exit from Bleak Falls Barrow.
In his quarters inside Dragonsreach, provided you started this quest before clearing out Bleak Falls Barrow (see notes), Farengar Secret-Fire will be accompanied by Delphine, the innkeeper from the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood. She is obviously his 'reliable source', as the conversation reveals quite an extensive knowledge about the dragon situation.
Farengar"You see? The terminology is clearly First Era or even earlier. I'm convinced this is a copy of a much older text. Perhaps dating to just after the Dragon War. If so, I could use this to cross-reference the names with other later texts."
Delphine"Good. I'm glad you're making progress. My employers are anxious to have some tangible answers."
Farengar"Oh, have no fear. The Jarl himself has finally taken an interest, so I'm now able to devote most of my time to this research."
Delphine"Time is running, Farengar, don't forget. This isn't some theoretical question. Dragons have come back."
Farengar"Yes, yes. Don't worry. Although the chance to see a living dragon up close would be tremendously valuable... Now, let me show you something else I found... very intriguing... I think your employers may be interested as well..."
Delphine"You have a visitor."
Farengar"Hmm? Ah, yes, the Jarl's protege! Back from Bleak Falls Barrow? You didn't die, it seems."
At this point, Farengar will notice your presence and lift the Dragonstone from your inventory with his thanks. While not as grateful as Farengar, Delphine is quite impressed with your efforts. After this acknowledgment, Delphine will return to studying the copy of Holdings of Jarl Gjalund while Farengar will direct you to Jarl Balgruuf for your reward. After this, the quest Dragon Rising will initiate and you will have to wait a few moments for your reward…

Oblivion - Main Quest 3 - Find the Heir

Once you arrive at Kvatch, you will find the city is in ruins. There is a camp of refugees at the bottom of the hill, and the city at the top. Hirtel will greet you in haste as he is running away, explaining that the city was overrun by daedra the night before, and that a few guards are fighting back the creatures pouring forth from an Oblivion Gate blocking the entrance to the city. Venture to the top of the hill and you will find a few soldiers defending the city, notably Savlian Matius. If you go around the Oblivion gate and into the Chapel of Akatosh inside the city, you will find Brother Martin and more survivors. Martin will refuse to leave with you, saying that he does not want to leave the civilians behind to fend for themselves. Speak to Matius again, and tell him that you want to help. He will give you your next quest, Breaking the Siege of Kvatch, which will require that you venture into Oblivion itself and find a way to destroy the gate to save Martin and the other survivors.